So BIG and yet so small

The BIG-Bobby-Car now also runs in the Märklin model railway world.

The legendary BIG-Bobby-Car has long been an indispensable part of children's car pools, and adults have been sitting on them too. 

But a children's ride-on vehicle that is even too small for a child's bum? Yes, that really exists!

NOCH, a German manufacturer for model landscaping, presents the world's smallest Bobby Car with the "Bobby Car Race" figure set!

In 1:87 / H0 scale, the popular children's car is smaller than a 1€ coin and therefore fits perfectly on a model railway layout.

So BIG and yet so smallSo BIG and yet so small

Anyone who thinks that Bobby Car races only take place in summer is mistaken, because from now on miniature landscapes will be transformed into exciting race tracks all year round.

The three cool racers are really in their element. While one figure sits casually on the cult ride-on vehicle, the other kneels on it and darts freehand along the track.

And what is the third doing? Well... it tries not to lose grip in the curve.

When building and designing model railway layouts, young and old alike give free rein to their imagination and immerse themselves in their self-designed world.

Model railways and Bobby Car racing have another thing in common: both hobbies inspire young and old with technology and movement and connect generations.

So what are you waiting for? On your mark, get set, go!


So BIG and yet so smallSo BIG and yet so small